Who are Family Caregivers
Family caregivers are those who care for others in need: seniors, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those who can no longer care for themselves. The journey of a caregiver is a personal and sometimes difficult experience, and ICRC is committed to supporting those who care for others. ICRC provides Family Caregiver Services through a variety of programs and resources including information and referral, family consultation, support groups, short-term counseling, educational workshops, respite care, and supplemental services.
Support for the whole family
Learn more about local resources
Connect with others on the same journey
Educational Workshops
An educational program designed to help family caregivers take care of themselves while caring for a relative or friend. You will benefit from this class whether you are helping a parent, spouse, friend, someone who lives at home, in a nursing home, or across the country. This is a 6 week series meeting once a week for 2 hours.
A series within 4 weeks of classes that offers new skills and tools for family caregivers who care for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or related dementias. This course is designed to help caregivers feel more confident and positive about their caregiving role. This is a 4 week series meeting once a week for 2 hours.
series of 8 classes for caregivers of adults with brain impairing conditions to learn new strategies to cope with the feelings of grief, loss, anger, frustration, and hopelessness. This is an 8 week series meeting once a week for 2 hours.
Deciding if, when, and where to place a loved one is often a heart-wrenching experience. Many family caregivers continue providing care far beyond their physical and emotional capabilities before they even consider placement as an option. This series of 7 classes is designed to assist family members with the difficult decision-making process of whether or not to place a loved one in residential care.
Service Types
As a Resource Center, ICRC has valuable information provided by our staff as well as information regarding local resources for family caregivers in the Inland Empire. Our very courteous staff is available to answer your questions, and is prepared to refer you to the appropriate agency, should ICRC be unable to assist you.
Family Consultation is ICRC’s core service. It consists of a meeting in person or over the phone with one of our Family Consultants to discuss the caregiving situation. Families who are caring for a loved one often need help in several areas.
For example, they may need:
Guidance in regards to their loved one’s long term care
Information regarding the diagnosis of their loved one
Behavior management techniques to care for a loved one with a cognitive impairment
More information about how to be a more effective caregiver
Just to talk
Our Family Consultants are trained and experienced professionals who can tell the family about the services we offer to meet these needs – such as short term counseling, respite care, support groups, and educational workshops – as well as other public and private services they may wish to use. In addition, they help the family develop a strategy for managing their loved one’s care, which we call a care plan. After the first meeting, the family caregiver may contact their Family Consultant whenever they have a question or a concern regarding their caregiving situation.
ICRC believes that the most valuable support a family caregiver can receive is from a peer, someone who has been through what they are going through and can truly understand what it is to care for a loved one 24/7. For this reason ICRC facilitates family caregiver support groups throughout Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. Groups meet once a month at a convenient time and location. Meetings are lead by trained staff or volunteers. Topics discussed can range from Sharing and Caring to having a guest speaker present on a topic of the group’s choosing. The agency also helps start new groups where needed. For a list of current ICRC Support Groups Click Here.
Our Respite Care Program provides short term, substitute care for loved ones who are being cared for at home. This gives family caregivers a break from the stress of constant care and reduces the likelihood of early out-of-home placement. In addition to finding the best respite service for each family, ICRC helps pay for it.
Respite is provided in several different ways, depending on what the care receiver and the family need as well as what’s available when help is needed. ICRC contracts with in home care agencies, adult day care centers, and placement facilities to make the following options available:
In Home Care: A Certified Nurse’s Aide or other home health care worker comes into the home and helps with the care receiver’s personal care, makes sure he/she is safe and comfortable, and does some light housekeeping or other tasks.
Adult Day Care: The care receiver is sent to an Adult Day Care Center where they are cared for and are encouraged to participate in socialization activities. This option gives both the care receiver and care giver a break.
Overnight Placement: The care receiver is placed in an Assisted Living Facility overnight.
Our ability to provide respite is limited by available funding. Priority is given based on need, ability to pay for services, and whether the client has received respite in the past. Unfortunately this is not an on-going service. Clients are encouraged to attend ICRC Support Groups and Educational Training as respite is provided for those who participate.
Short term counseling is a brief problem-solving therapy for a maximum of 6 one-hour sessions. Together with a trained professional, goals are established which may:
decrease the symptoms of depression
improve coping skills
increase use of support systems
decrease feelings of isolation
If additional counseling services are needed after the 6 sessions, appropriate referrals are made. Our ability to provide Short Term Counseling is limited by available funding and staff. If counseling is needed before ICRC can provide the service, appropriate referrals are made. Please note that before Short Term Counseling can be arranged, a client must have a Family Consultation with one of our Family Consultants.
Supplemental Services are available for family caregivers living in San Bernardino County (all areas except Morongo Valley). They are intended to help make caring for a loved one in the home a little easier and safer. Please note that our ability to provide the following services depends on available funding. Also note these services are not provided on an ongoing basis.
Assistive Devices: The purchase, rental, and/or service fee of equipment to facilitate and fulfill caregiving responsibilities.
Minor Home Repairs: Minor repairs to a home ranging from installation of grab bars to replacement of door handles in order to fulfill caregiving responsibilities.